It has three widths to use: Proxima Nova, Proxima Nova Condensed and the Proxima Nova Extra Condensed. Its original six fonts are now at a number of forty-eight. The Proxima Nova family is a complete redesigned of the Proxima Sans that was launched in 1994. Its website goes for Proxima Nova for all text using Niue Helvetian as a fallback. On the Android version, Roboto is used together with Freight. If you get the ISO version of the Instagram app you will see that it uses Fright Sans and Niue Helvetian. Having a consistent Instagram typeface through all their app brings a cool experience to the user. In the end, an app that is so popular needs to do a good job in choosing the font for their audience. This is a simple font that looks great and we can understand their decision. What is interesting is that the platform has changed quite a few times over the years its main fonts. Probably many of us have wondered what font does Instagram use until now. If you wanted to discover the Instagram font that was both used in the logo and captions stop here. Branding elements have for sure different options that we need to pay attention too.
Any graphic designer knows the importance of visual branding even though there are many topics in this.